For a rich source of healthy protein and Omega-3 fatty acids, look no further than deliciously pure, nutrient-packed Aqua Star fish. We offer a wide assortment of fish varieties, each with their own distinct flavor and nutrient profile. The USDA recommends consuming eight ounces of seafood per week as part of a healthy, balanced diet. With our extensive selection of fish, we offer endless taste adventures that make healthy eating both fun and delicious.

For a mealtime experience that tastes great and is great for you, the USDA 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans encourage two servings of seafood per week for a 2,000 calorie-per-day diet. Aqua Star fish is low calorie and an excellent source of nutrients. Salmon, for example, is low in sodium and is a good source of omega-3-fatty acids, as well as niacin, vitamin B12, and selenium. Whether grilling, baking, or sautéing, the possibilities for exciting meals are limitless. Check out our recipe pages for delicious inspiration.

Below are a few nutritional value highlights from popular fish, based on a 3-ounce serving size:

  • Catfish: 130 calories; 17g protein
  • Cod: 90 calories; 20g protein; 2% daily recommended Vitamin C; 2%  daily recommended Calcium; 2% daily recommended Iron
  • Haddock: 100 calories; 21g protein; 2% daily recommended Vitamin A; 2% daily recommended Calcium; 6% daily recommended Iron
  • Halibut: 120 calories; 23g protein; 4% daily recommended Vitamin A; 2%  daily recommended Calcium; 6% daily recommended Iron
  • Orange Roughby: 80 calories; 16g protein; 2% daily recommended Vitamin A; 4% daily recommended Calcium; 2% daily recommended Iron
  • Perch: 110 calories; 21g protein; 2% daily recommended Vitamin C; 10% daily recommended calcium; 4% daily recommended Iron
  • Pollock: 90 calories; 20g protein; 2% daily recommended Vitamin A; 2% daily recommended Iron
  • Salmon (Chum): 130 calories; 22g protein; 2% daily recommended Vitamin A; 2% daily recommended Calcium; 4% daily recommended Iron
  • Sole: 100 calories;19g protein; 2% daily recommended Calcium
  • Swordfish: 120 calories;16g protein; 2% daily recommended Vitamin A; 2% daily recommended Vitamin C; 6% daily recommended Iron
  • Tilapia: 110 calories;22g protein; 2% daily recommended Vitamin C; 2% daily recommended Iron
  • Tuna: 130 calories; 26g protein; 2% daily recommended Vitamin A; 2% daily recommended Vitamin C; 2% daily recommended Calcium; 4% daily recommended Iron

General Fish Nutrition Fast Facts


of protein

in a single salmon serving



daily recommended value, for most fish; perch contain 10% the daily recommended daily value



daily recommended value, depending on fish species

Low calorie

most fish contain between 80 and 200 calories per serving

Protein dense

the most commonly consumed fish, including salmon, tuna and halibut, have more than 23 grams of protein per serving

based on a 3-ounce serving size